Tuesday, January 5, 2010

HVAC Technician Tool Selection

So I've heard from quite a few novice HVAC trainees that they would like a few recommendations on what equipment I recommend. Well there are a lot of factors that go into selecting the proper HVAC tools to use. One is the climate, depending on the type of climate that you will be working in, certain tools will be more or less necessary. For example if you are working in a region that has mild summers and very harsh winters, you may not need to stock up on freon. Likewise if your climate is tropical or one where you are primarily dealing with air conditioning problems then you will not need the same cold weather ratings for many of your gauges. With this in mind you will want to be sure to think about the climate that you are working before spending your hard earned money on equipment and tools that you may never use. Now when you are in school, you will learn how to use all of the main tools of the trade, but when it comes time for you to start forking over your own money, you may want to start small with just the stuff you need for the season you are in. So if you are venturing out on your own in the winter, skip the freon and a/c exclusive tools and equipment. Save that money and when the time comes you can make the investment then. But in the beginning just play it safe and buy only what you need. With that said, you will always need a standard multi-meter which is needed by not only HVAC technicians but anyone who needs to test whether there is voltage at a particular point. So any aspiring electricians can gain something from this as well. Here is a cool video that goes over a few interesting details on selecting a good multimeter:

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